Manufacturer's address:
161 C. Zaslonova str, Belgorod, 308000, Russia
Office address:
26A Shorsa str 403, Belgorod, 308024, Russia
+7 (4722) 41-03-01
Producer of natural feed additives
Trading & Producing Company
GreenLeko LLC
The natural alternative to widely used
chemical supplements and antibiotics

Our customers can call, write us or come to our office. We’re always ready for new acquaintances.
We develop, produce and introduce environmentally friendly, efficient products.

Production technologies of the Company make it possible to get feed supplements and other feed components maintaining the original biological value of organic components.

During the production process of our feed supplements we use environmentally friendly raw materials of organic origin, which have a high degree of digestibility and maximum efficiency.

+7 (472) 241-03-01